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c. 1890 Church in Hamilton, NC

Sold / Archive From 2022

Added to OHD on 6/21/22   -   Last OHD Update: 3/22/23

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302 N South St, Hamilton, NC 27840

Maps: Street | Aerial

If you've ever wanted to ''live in an 'old' church, here's your chance. The Hamilton Primitive Baptist Church had an active congregation in the 1890s and that can be found in a local directory written in 1896. This church is so charming with the weatherboard siding and painted aqua working shutters. It has an updated electrical system, new sheetrock on the walls, light fixtures, plumbing run to the building and some really nice original church pews. Large original windows will offer tons of natural light to the approximately 900 square foot room. The church was sold by the former owner and moved to its current location in 1930 after it was closed in 1913. The church originally sat on Long Street, right behind the Long-Haislip house. It is located on a small lot on South Street. Located on N. South Street on a small lot, the church could be renovated and used where it is now or it can be moved. What a fantastic opportunity to live our your dream in an historic church, in an historic river town and surrounded by friendly people. Now, it just doesn't get better than that. Call today.
Listed With

Nancy Winslow, Keller Williams Realty Points East :: 252-813-1096

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